If so, give it permission to as it will help later. Windows may say at some point in the process it needs to fix the file system on the disk. With the didj turned OFF, connect it to the computer via usb.Extract the flash plugin, and copy the dll (NOT the folder) to C:\Program Files\LeapFrog\LeapFrog Connect\plugins This will keep the software from complaining about the lack of Adobe Flash.DISCONNECT THE COMPUTER/VM FROM THE INTERNET! If the software is EVER run with a live internet connection, it will send itself into an endless update loop and be rendered unusable without a complete reinstall of LeapFrog Connect! Since LF Connect by default runs at startup, use the tutorial here to permanently disable auto-start:.Download the Leapfrog Connect Offline Installer for didj on your computer.(optional) a copy of voidtools "Everything." Makes finding lengthy directories significantly easier:.This flash plugin (courtesy of "game poop" on YouTube):.A copy of the Leapfrog Connect Offline Installer for didj hosted here: LeapFrogConnectOfflineSetup_Didj.exe.A Windows 7 PC or VM (Windows 10 will NOT work) that is NOT connected to the internet (THIS IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT).With that out of the way, you will need the following: FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS AT YOUR OWN RISK! There is a low, but non-zero chance that an error in the process may brick your didj. After an hours long, frustrating experience filled with many dead links and pieces of questionable software, I was finally able to figure out how to un-brick a didj with the above error.